Friday, June 19, 2009

Six Flags with the Witmers!

The other night when we were doing an activity at church Brother Whitmer just came up to me and asked me what I was doing tomorrow and I say, "Well, all I have that I know of is that I have swim team at 4:45." Ans he told me that the reason he was asking was because him and his family were going to six flags and that he had an extra free pas and an extra see in his car if I wanted and was aloud to go. And so I got really exited andcalled my mom to see if I was allowd to go. and of course my mother said yes but I had to be at their house by 7:30.and when we got there, the first thing we rode was the Rode Runner, IT WAS AWSOME! Then we rode SUPER MAN! And it was the coolest ride there! and this wasn't the Super Man that just went up and down, this was the Super Man that was a roller coaster that went upside-down and went about 65 mls. per hour.
And there was this one ride that started out at zero mls. per hr. and got up to 67 mls. per hr. in less than 2 seconds. After I saw it I chickend out.
And that was my awsome day at Six Flags for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Swim Meet

It finally happened! And I think that this was my best swim meet ever because I got more ribbons in one swim meet than I have ever gotten before!!! In just one swim meet I got 3 fantastic ribbons. The fist ribbon I got in an I.M., and an I.M. is a certain order in which one person will swim. And the order in which this happens is, the first 25 is just butterfly (a certain stroke which not a whole bunch of people know about) , backstroke, breast stroke, and free style. And for some weird reason I thought that the I.M. was really fun. And then the other ribbons were just plain old free style, back stroke, or just another relay. And I have got to say that, That particular swim meet was my favorite yet.